Josquins Unsterblichkeit

Eine musikalisch-magische Versuchsanordnung
Montag, 1. Mai 20 Uhr
Zossener Str. 66 Berlin-Kreuzberg
Even today, very many people believe in an influence of the stars on our lives. At the beginning of the 16th century, this was a universally accepted fact. In this respect, it is not surprising that the most famous composer of the time, Josquin Desprez, came up with the idea of incorporating planetary energies into his music and sending them back into space enriched as the music was sung. Around 1510, four compositions were written, all of which refer to each other and are also enriched in stages. The musical motifs here come from Josquin’s own earlier works. The composer thus also stores his biography in these pieces. They culminate in the piece “Plus nulz regretz” (“Never again sorrow”). The text speaks of how a new golden age will arise through the planets. The music is dominated by canons that realize mathematical laws. By using astronomical measures, Josquin apparently meant to make contact with outer space. Through this his music and ultimately he himself should become immortal. Good thing that the Inquisition apparently did not understand or perceive this!
Our contemporary conception of music is very close to these ideas. Music today often represents religious rites, and we perform masterpieces of the past over and over again, so that their spirit and the time stored in them are always revived.
This performance represents a musical-magical experimental arrangement that allows us to experience this birth of our current conception of the musical work of art.
L’ultima parola (Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik 2022)
Axelle Bernage Cantus
Tony Denis Tenor
Csongor Szántó Tenor
Romain Bockler Bariton
Joel Frederiksen Bass
Bernd Oliver Fröhlich Tenor Altus und Leitung
Clemens Goldberg, Konzept, Rezitation und künstlerische Leitung
Eintritt: 25 Euro
Förderkarten ab 35 E mit Spendenquittung
Reservierungen unter in**@go**************.org
The film of this event is available now: