Essays & Discussions

“Melomachia”: Melodic Challenge and Displacement in Some 19th Century Music, by Rodney Stanning Edgecombe

“Melomachia”: Melodic Challenge and Displacement in Some Nineteenth-Century Music Rodney Stenning Edgecombe In François Philidor’s Ernelinde (the three-act version of which premiered at the Opéra in 1767, and the five-act […]

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A 16th Century Publication Who-Dun-it: Gabrieli and Lassus, by Karen Linnstaedter Strange

A 16th Century Publication Who-Dun-it: Exploring implications of the double attribution of the madrigal “Canzon se l’esser meco” to Andrea Gabrieli and Orlande de Lassus. Karen Linnstaedter Strange, MM A […]

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Agricola’s Songs without Words, by Warwick Edwards

Edwards, W. (2006) Agricola’s songs without words: the sources and the performing traditions. Alexander Agricola: Musik zwischen Vokalität und Instrumentalismus, ed. Nicole Schwindt, Trossinger Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik 6:pp. 83-121. This […]

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Appolon orateur, Denis Gaultiers Rhétorique des Dieux

erstmals erschienen in: Quellen und Studien zur Musikgeschichte von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit, Michael v. Albrecht ed., Bd. 1 (Musik in Antike und Neuzeit), Frankfurt a. M. etc., 1987, […]

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Cuiusvis toni – Ansätze zur Analyse einer Messe von , Johannes Ockeghem

zuerst erschienen in: Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis 42 (1992), S. 3-35. Der Essay beleuchtet nicht nur die Tonalität der Messe, die nicht etwa in vier, sondern in […]

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Early Music Muse

This is a very useful and interesting website dealing mostly with painting and music from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. View

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Gaffurius Codices

Gaffurius codices online is a website dedicated to the four manuscripts of polyphonic music prepared by Franchinus Gaffurius for the Duomo of Milan in the decades around 1500. Gaffurius (1451–1522), […]

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Gesellschaft für Hörer mit alten Ohren

Essay von Dieter Krickeberg, zuerst veröffentlicht in: Das Musikinstrument (34. Jahrgang, Heft 7, S. 48 – 51)

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Going into the Woods, Schumann’s Waldszenen op. 82

originally published in: Internaltional Journal of Musicology 3 (1993), pp. 151-175. Going into the Woods Space, Time, and Movement in Schumann’s Waldszenen op. 82,1 Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen, […]

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How to Compose the White of a Page, Boulez’ Cummings ist der Dichter

First published in: International Journal of Musicology 1 (1992), S. 341-367.

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