Early Music Muse
This is a very useful and interesting website dealing mostly with painting and music from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. View
This is a very useful and interesting website dealing mostly with painting and music from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. View
The secular work of Juan Cornago is rather small in number but very influential historically. Cornago was mainly employed by the Aragonese court in Naples. view edition
Madrid, Biblioteca Columbina, 7-1-28 Main source of Spanish secular music around 1480. View Facsimile
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ms. Canon. Misc. 213, of italian origin containing works of Dufay and Binchois. View Facsimile
Rome, Vatican City, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, Archivio della Cappella Giulia, Cod. Urb. Lat. 1411. Collected in Italy, a major source for Binchois and Dufay. View Facsimile
Abbazia di Montecassino, Ms 871. Assembled in a Benedictine monastery in Naples, it contains an eclectic mixture of Neapolitan secular songs and sacred repertoire. Its core composers are Cornago and […]
Abbazia di Montecassino, Ms 871. Assembled in a Benedictine monastery in Naples, it contains an eclectic mixture of Neapolitan secular songs and sacred repertoire. Its core composers are Cornago and […]
This is a choirbook containing Frottole, Laude and motets by Japart, Isaac, Busnois et. al. It was assembled for Isabella d’Este. View Facsimile
This is a very exciting series of concerts inspired by our board member Prof. Marc Lewon. Every last Sunday there is a concert in Barfüsserkirche Basel. In times of COVID […]
Johannes Ockeghem’s chanson Fors seulement lattente que je meure is on of the most original creations of its genre around 1470. The unusual range of voices (due to the text […]