Inspired by the 15th century Academia Fiorentina, the Goldberg Foundation offers the vision of a forum overcoming the institutionalised ways of working and thinking of academic institutions.
The Foundation, in line with its predecessor, welcomes contributions from the fields of Aesthetics, Music, Sociology, History, Literature and Linguistics.
Chronologically, with the Age of Renaissance at its centre, contributions are also welcome from other eras, ideally establishing a link to the present.
Particularly welcome are contributions which espouse Humanism, incorporating elements from both the Natural Sciences and the Arts, as inspired by Renaissance Florence. The objective of the Foundation is to provide a forum free of the limitations of historical, ideological and institutional boundaries permitting a modern productive Humanist exchange.
Contributions can be addressed via e-mail on this homepage.
In the LIBRARYof the Academy you may find links to Facsimile sources, editions and the essays of the founder as well a range of literature lists.
Unfortunately the last years have proven that this offer has never been accepted as it seems that internet discussions and publications are still not taken seriously by the scientific community. This barricading behind institutional walls has led to a dismal exchange with huge time lapses and finally to an abolition of the Humanities, deemed useless by politicians.