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Montecassino 871

Abbazia di Montecassino, Ms 871. Assembled in a Benedictine monastery in Naples, it contains an eclectic mixture of Neapolitan secular songs and sacred repertoire. Its core composers are Cornago and […]


München 3154 (Leopold Codex)

Choirbook copied around 1480 with Marian repertoire. Compositions by Compere, Josquin, Obrecht…. For more details: Musikleben in Wien View Facsimile


Nivelle de la Chaussee

Vgl. auch unsere Edition! Facsimile


Orchesographie von Thoinot Arbeau

Arbeau’s Orchesographie is the most important dance manual of Renaissance dance. Apart from the instructions in form of a dialogue of pupil and teacher it contains a few chansons. It […]


Oxford Misc. 213

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ms. Canon. Misc. 213, of italian origin containing works of Dufay and Binchois. View Facsimile


Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Canon. Misc. 213

Repertoire of Dufay and Binchois Juli 2011 http://bodley30.bodley.ox.ac.uk:8180/luna/servlet/detail/ODLodl~1~1~37268~122902?trs=145&mi=0&qvq=w4s%3A%2Fwhat%2FMS.+Canon.+Misc.+213%3Blc%3AODLodl%7E1%7E1&cic=ODLodl%7E24%7E24


Paris 1597 (Chansonnier du Duc de Lorraine

Chansonnier collected around 1500 for the Duc de Lorraine with repertoire of thelate 15th century September 2012 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b9060517z/f1.image.r=1597.langDE


Paris 2245 (Chansonnier de Louis d’Orléans)

A small chansonnier containing many unique chansons of Compere September 2012 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b90593987.r=2245.langDE


Paris BN 1719

Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds français 1719. A very important literary source with rondeaux and ballades, very often with some musical parallels. View Facsimile List of the pieces: View


Paris BN f. fr. 1569 (Chansonnier of Marguerite d’Orléans)

A small volume of only six albeit famous and important chansons, all centered around the topic of “douleur, regretz, mort”. View Facsimile


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