
Essays from the Busnois Congress

Higgins Paula, ed. Antoine Busnoys: Method, Meaning, and Context in Late Medieval Music. Oxford: Clarendon Press ; New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. xxii, 599 p. : ill. ; 24 […]


Firenze Magl. 178

Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Ms Magl. XIX, 178 Songbook compiled in Florence around 1490 with close relation to Cappella Guilia, Firenze 229 and Odhecaton. Composers to be found are Agricola, […]


Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Fondo Nazionale II.I.232

Source from 1515. Masses and Motets by Mouton, Josquin, Issac, Agricola, Brumel. View Facsimile


Florence 176, Florence Magl. XIX 176

Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Ms Magl. XIX 176 Chansons of great importance, unica of very high quality of the generation of Dufay and English provenance. Collected around 1480. Very close […]


Florence 229

Florenz 229, Bibl. Naz. Centr. Ms Banco rari 229 Florence 229 is the biggest and most extensive chansonnier from the end of the 15th century. It contains many unica and […]


Florence, Biblioteca del Conservatorio L. Cherubini, Codex Basevi

Franco-flemish chansonnier about 1506 with works by Agricola, Compere, de la Rue, Brumel… View An edition for the foundation is in preparation. You may consult the doctoral dissertation by Paul […]


Florence, Biblioteca Nationale Centrale, Ms Magl. XIX, 107bis

Chansonnier with repertoire around 1500. http://www.bncf.firenze.sbn.it/oldWeb/Bib_digitale/Manoscritti/M19_107b/main.htm


Florenz 178

Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Ms. Magl. XIX.178 Manuskript der 1490er Jahre mit einer außerordentlich hohen Anzahl von Chansons und Fantasien von Alexander Agricola. Weitere Komponisten sind Isaac, Martini, van Weerbecke […]


Florenz 229, Bibl. Naz. Centr. Ms Banco rari 229

Florence 229 is the biggest and most extensive chansonnier from the end of the 15th century. It contains many unica and a very important number of chansons by Martini, Isaac, […]


Florenz Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Ms. Magl. XIX, 176

Chansons of great importance, unica of very high quality of the generation of Dufay and English provenance. Collected around 1480. Very close relation to Riccardiana II. Florenz 176 Facsimile


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