Music life in late Midlle Age Austria
Multimedia website with examples from musical life in the late Midlle Ages in Austria: instruments, pieces, essays.
WeiterlesenMultimedia website with examples from musical life in the late Midlle Ages in Austria: instruments, pieces, essays.
WeiterlesenA Journal of Criticism, Commentary, Research and Scholarship April 2005
WeiterlesenThe Sorbonne has put on line more than 800 carved images of music and musicians in music stalls of the 15th and 16th centuries Oktober 2014
WeiterlesenVery cool site with films explaining topics and issues of Early Music
WeiterlesenThe edition of Helen Hewitt and Isabel Pope of Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A by Ottaviano Petrucci View Moreover, there is a full recording available online! listen
WeiterlesenAuf dieser wirklich eindrucksvollen Website der University of New England finden sich Editionen, aber auch soundfiles von sehr vielen Messen des 15. Jahrhunderts. University of New England
WeiterlesenDanish online journal with Renaissance topics Juli 2011
WeiterlesenLarge ressource site. Oktober 2006
WeiterlesenRISM is one of the most important resources for all kinds of Music and wirtings on Music Theory. Here is the catalogue online! April 2018